If you want to use Azure HDInsight (Hadoop) Emulator on Windows with cygwin’s bash, it won’t work. Even though the emulator comes with all legitimately-looking *nix scripts and everything.

The reason it doesn’t work is those *nix things assume too much of *nix stuff which is not true on a Windows machine.

The easiest fix is to create hadoop2 bash script which will call out to proper Windows hadoop.cmd script.

Here is the source:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A hack to make HDInsight Emulator work with cygwin bash.
# Basically, we don't use bash things which come with the installation.
# Instead, we call out to the Windows cmd scripts to invoke hadoop stuff.
cmd /c "hadoop" $*

Just create hadoop2 file, put it somewhere in the PATH, give it execute permissions using chmod u+x hadoop2 and you are good to go.